Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bad Connectivity

I have so many things to update but my connectivity has been very poor and sporatic. I will try to get things posted in the next few days. Thanks for hanging in there . . .


  1. Hi Joice

    I am staying at HOREC at the end of the year for 5 weeks. Could we perhaps make contact so we could discuss tips you may have? my email is bstand010@uct.ac.za


    Andrew Bestbier

  2. Thank you Joyce! These pictures are well worth the wait - thank you for hanging in there despite the technical difficulties. My heart is so full looking at them and knowing you are right there able to reciprocate their love and joy, and share it with us half a world away (farther away, yet closer than we think though huh?) - ASANTE SANA! (Thank you very much!) May God continue to bless you and keep you close while you watch over these precious ones!
