Monday, June 18, 2012

Kwaheri HOREC

Today was a hard day as we said kwaheri (goodbye) to our friends at HOREC. Yesterday was even harder for me as I said goodbye to the older children, including Adhiambo. They were in school today, so we had to say goodbye to them on Sunday. I take comfort in knowing our goodbye is only temporary. I will see my beautiful friends again!

I am so sorry that I have not been blogging. The connectivity hasn't been great and by the time I get pictures uploaded, it is time to sleep. I am hoping to catch up over the upcoming days. There are many stories to be told and remembered!

1 comment:

  1. We've enjoyed the pictures so much. This time has gone by so quickly. Safe travel home and, as you have been each day since you left, you and your mom are in our prayers constantly.
